Alerts to possible scams concerning recent stimulus payments.
Estancia Valley, Moriarty
Office of Faith Formation Secretary:
Della Montano
Instagram: asf_faith_formation
June 2, 2022
As parishes in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe begin to close out the current Catechetical Year, planning is already taking place for the upcoming 2022-2023 year. One of the factors in that planning is the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. While daily cases, hospitalizations and deaths have decreased, they have not stopped, and action to protect those entrusted to the parish Faith Formation programs is still warranted.
In 2020, Archbishop Wester reminded all of us, “It is of paramount importance to be reminded that the Church values everyone's safety and well-being. Life is sacred and we are taking every precaution to protect our people from the coronavirus.” (Reopening Our Churches, 5/24/2020). We continue to uphold the sacredness of life and care for one another through the anticipated protocols, based on the current Public Health Order, for the upcoming Catechetical Year.
Accommodations for alternative methods of Faith Formation should continue to be made for children and youth who are more vulnerable to the virus due to medical conditions.
Masks remain optional for all those participating in parish Faith Formation programs. However, the use of masks remains strongly recommended for those over 65, those with medical conditions that make them more vulnerable to the virus, those caring for (or living with) persons in the previous two categories, and those who are unvaccinated.
Opportunities for frequent hand washing or available hand sanitizer is recommended.
If possible, some social distancing is highly encouraged as this practice proved invaluable in preventing community spread within the parish Faith Formation programs this year.
It is suggested that a regular cleaning schedule prior to children/youth entering the parish facility, particularly high touch surfaces, remain a priority.
All pandemic related policies and protocols are subject to change as the situation of COVID-19 positive cases and hospitalizations change. Every parish should be ready to make changes in accordance with any promulgated health orders in the future.
As has been noted since the beginning of the pandemic, local pastors retain the authority to utilize stricter directives as they feel it necessary or prudent.
The latest COVID-19 information Toolkit, from the NM Department of Health, can be found at:

The next international celebration of World Youth Day will be held August 1-6, 2023, in Lisbon, Portugal. After years of anticipation prolonged by the global coronavirus pandemic, the WYD Local Organizing Committee in Lisbon finally announced the event’s official dates.
The Archdiocese of Santa Fe Office of Faith Formation is working on a package deal with a travel company, if anyone is interested in attending, please let me know. This is for any young adults 18 – 40 who are interested in going. Also, we wanted to give you time to start fundraising. As soon as we confirm a package, we will be sending out that information.
Here is the link to WYD 2023:
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Please note that the Office of Religious Education name has been changed to the Office of Faith Formation. And the website for the Religious Office has been deleted and it is now under the Office of Faith Formation website: If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me by email since we are still working from home: Della Montano, Office of Faith Formation Secretary. E-mail:
Office of Faith Formation Website:
Faith Formation Facebook:

June 30, 2021