Alerts to possible scams concerning recent stimulus payments.
Estancia Valley, Moriarty
Director: Anne Avallone
Secretary: Maria Garcia
Office of Social Justice and Respect Life
Archdiocese of Santa Fe
4000 St. Joseph's Pl NW
Albuquerque, NM 87120
505-831-8205 office
Follow us on Facebook: @ASFSJandRL

9 Days For Respect Life
Archbishop John C. Wester
Pastoral Letter
The Archdiocese of Santa Fe Office of Social Justice and Respect Life has compiled a list of resources parishes can use to support pregnant Moms in Need. Please note this list is not an endorsement of any agency or group listed. We apologize for the omission of any program not listed, and we will update as we are able. Programs which we confirmed offer Spanish-speaking services as of publication date are identified with Se habla Español, however, other programs may also offer services in Spanish.
Services provided by the organizations listed are those of the individual organization and are not services provided directly by the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. The information is available in two formats, alphabetically and by location. The alphabetical list is attached. Both lists are accessible through the links below:
Walking with Moms in Need ASF Resources Alphabetically
Walking with Moms in Need ASF Resources by Location
December 16
Hello All and Happy Advent!
It is once again time to register for the annual Catholic Social Ministry Gathering (CSMG). The 2022 Gathering will be all virtual and will be taking place event Saturday, January 29 – Tuesday, February 1, 2022.
See attached flyer for details.
The theme of the 2022 gathering is "Justice at the Margins,” and will focus on equipping participants with the knowledge, relationships, and skills to build communities of justice where all can thrive. This call is especially important as we come out of a pandemic that further pushed some communities to the margins. This virtual gathering of U.S. Catholic social ministry leaders is organized by the Department of Justice, Peace and Human Development, 10 USCCB departments, and 20 national Catholic organizations!
For more than 30 years, the Catholic Social Ministry Gathering (CSMG) has brought together hundreds of participants whose faith inspires them to address pressing current domestic and global challenges affecting our most vulnerable brothers and sisters at home and around the world. This year’s virtual gathering will include:
• Inspiring speakers and grassroots voices in Church and society
• Workshops with policy experts and community leaders
• Intentional opportunities for best practice-sharing among participants
• Resources from dozens of Catholic social ministry organizations
• Virtual advocacy visits with elected officials
• And much more!
Registration is $50 for this multi-day virtual event. Financial assistance is available for leaders from under-represented ethnic, cultural, or disability communities. Click here for information on registration and/or scholarships:
The program at CSMG 2022 will be bilingual (English and Spanish), with translation available for plenary sessions and unique Spanish-only workshops.
Please let me know if you are interested!
Anne Avellone
Letter from Archbishop John C Wester
May 19, 2021

For more information:
Anne Avellone, M.Div, LMSW
Director, Office of Social Justice and Respect Life
Archdiocese of Santa Fe
4000 St. Joseph’s PL NW
Albuquerque, NM 87120
Phone: 505-831-8167
FAX: 505-831-8105
SaveTrees: Please don't print this unless you really need to!
Follow us on Facebook: @ASFSJandRL