What is the Circle of Grace Program?
Through the Circle of Grace Program, adults assist children and youth to recognize God's love by understanding that each of us lives and moves within a Circle of Grace. It holds your very essence in mind, heart, soul, and sexuality. The Circle of Grace program helps children and youth identify early on when they are uncomfortable with a situation and include ways to seek the help of a trusted adult.
Word of Honor
You have our word: the Archdiocese of Santa Fe is protecting our children. In fact, we are leading the way in creating a culture of transparency, knowledge, and trust. We have embraced these responsibilities for years and strongly believe we are a more Christ-like community because of them.
What is a Circle of Grace training?
Archbishop John C. Wester has mandated that Circle of Grace be taught annually to all children (K-12) in Catholic schools, Religious Education and Youth Ministry programs.
It is a faith-based, clinically sound program which teaches children and youth about healthy and unhealthy boundaries, how to talk to a trusted adult when they feel uncomfortable, and other age-appropriate skills. Circle of Grace is currently taught in more than 40 other dioceses across the country.
We will be offering an evening Circle of Grace Training
Date: Tuesday August 24, 2021
Time: 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Registration Deadline: Wednesday August 18th
Zoom (Link will be sent out participants on Friday August 20th)
Space is Limited to 25 people
Please send me the following information to get you registered
First & Last Name
Email Address
Phone number
Thank You
Della Montano
Archdiocese of Santa Fe
Office of Faith Formation Secretary
E-mail: dmontano@archdiosf.org
Office of Faith Formation Website: www.asfoff.org
Faith Formation Facebook: https://facebook.com/ASFFaithFormation/
Instagram: asf_faith_formation
Archdiocesan Website: www.archdiosf.org